Arielle Krule is a therapist, community organizer, and student in the core semikha track at Yeshivat Maharat. She has started and scaled multiple projects related to Jewish education, class inequity, and holistic wellness. Most recently, Arielle was the Director of the Jewish Learning Fellowship, the largest educational provider on college campuses in North America, and the Director of an NYC Social Work Fellowship. Arielle has her BSW, MSW, SIFI certification, and certificate in Spirituality and Social Work from NYU and a certificate in Experiential Education from M2: The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education. She is a Wexner Graduate Fellow and UJA-Federation of NY Fellow. She was formerly a BBYO International Teen President, birth doula, yoga teacher, and women’s health educator. Arielle and her husband, Jackson, live in Brooklyn, where you can find them in the park with their dog, Frida, inviting you over for Shabbat.