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a Chevra

Audrey Pollack – Solel Congregation
Audrey Pollack – Solel Congregation
Rabbi, Torah Explorer, Contemplative Musician

Rabbi Audrey Pollack is the Rabbi of Solel Congregation of Mississauga. She received rabbinic ordination from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, Ohio.

In her rabbinate Rabbi Pollack strives to intentionally create and nurture a synagogue life that is welcoming to all, that offers creative learning and leadership opportunities from youth to adult and is part of a greater community that cares about its members. Her congregational work includes teaching, counseling, pastoral care, interfaith dialogue and community outreach. Rabbi Pollack’s warmth and compassion, her love of Judaism and commitment to Jewish tradition, are consistently found in the work that she does and in the vision that she promotes in her rabbinate. She finds spiritual sustenance in music and leads prayer with singing and playing the guitar.

Rabbi Pollack has recently completed a four-year term as the chair of the Interfaith Council of Peel. She is a member of the Reform Rabbis of Greater Toronto, the Toronto Board of Rabbis, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, and is a past executive board member of the Women’s Rabbinic Network.