Brianah Caplan is a rabbinical student at the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles working toward receiving ordination in 2026. Before entering Rabbinical School, Brianah received her Bachelor at San Diego State University with a major in Sociology and a minor in Arabic Language. During her time at SDSU, Brianah started the campus chapter of Challah for Hunger, and worked as both the Engagement Intern and the Shabbat Coordinator for Hillel of San Diego. Brianah also sat on the Hillel International Student Cabinet during her senior year of college. Now in Los Angeles, Brianah spends most of her time in the Ziegler Beit Midrash, but also is involved in many communities around the West Coast. She currently serves as the Rabbinic Intern at Ohr Shalom Synagogue (San Diego, CA), Early Childhood Music Educator at Sinai Temple (Beverly Hills, CA), B’nei Mitzvah Tutor at Wilshire Boulevard Temple (Los Angeles, CA), Rosh Tefillah/Shira at Camp Ramah (Ojai, CA) and High Holy Day Shlichat Tzibbur at Congregation Shaarie Torah (Portland, OR). Brianah also has a passion for music, and works professionally as a Jewish Musician and Songwriter alongside her Musical Chevruta, David Kaplinsky. Brianah and David released their first album of original Jewish Music, “Az B’kol”, in September of 2022 – which can be found on all streaming platforms.