Rabbi Lindy Reznick has been a rabbi for thirteen years and is honored to serve the Jewish community through this holy work. This year Rabbi Reznick has founded her own spiritual community, Bet Ahava: house of love. Rabbi Lindy believes in creating a spiritual healing space for all to express themselves fully in a community of belonging. Bet Ahava focuses on building heart grounded, inspirational, creative Jewish community while building ties between Jews and other spiritual communities. As a proud member of the queer family Rabbi Lindy feels it is her mission to empower others to find comfort and safety in a spiritual community of faith. Lindy has been working in Jewish Education for almost twenty years, nurturing Jews of all ages from birth to age 101. She revels in the sacred practice of leading, teaching, and inspiring Jewish communities. She grew up in Southern California and has worked and lived in Jewish communities in South America and Israel.
Lindy holds a Bachelors degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She was a pioneer in connecting Judaism and the Arts, receiving the first Spinner Avoda Arts Fellowship from Hebrew Union College and University of Southern California. She holds three Master’s degrees: Master of Public Art Studies from University of Southern California, Master of Jewish Communal Service, and a Master of Arts in Hebrew Letters along with Rabbinic Ordination from Hebrew Union College.
Lindy is passionate about helping others understand their lives as spiritual journeys in relationship with the divine. She loves to share the joy and depth of the Jewish tradition with all whom she teaches. She believes in the power of compassionate living, and service to help transform individuals’ lives and our world.
Lindy shares her love daily with her family and her two beautiful children Clay and Isaiah. In her free time, Lindy can be found in the yoga studio, in a dance class, tending to her chickens, dogs, or enjoying the lush wilderness of the world.