Rabbi Shena Potter Jaffee is a Cincinnati community rabbi. She leads Cincinnati’s Division of Adulting and is the Director of Jewish Life & Learning for Rockwern Academy. She also serves Temple B’nai Israel in Monroe, Michigan and regularly teaches at universities and high schools throughout Cincinnati. She’s had the honor of leading 3 Honeymoon Israel cohorts. Connecting to faith communities beyond the Jewish world is of key importance, and Rabbi Shena has created projects that bring diverse groups of people into conversations about identity and faith traditions. She is a past President of the Greater Cincinnati Board of Rabbis and serves on various boards around town. Rabbi Shena loves a good HGTV show on tiny house living and reading a variety of cookbooks. Once in a while, she even cooks a meal from them. Her biggest joy is being a mom to two hilarious and fascinating teens, wife to Brian and proud caregiver to Slinky the Wonderdog.