Jamie Gottlieb is a lifelong learner, deep thinker, radical empathizer, and passionate Jewish communal leader. She is a Rabbinical Student at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR). She was born and raised in Cherry Hill, NJ, and went on to earn her undergraduate degree in Jewish Studies from the American University in Washington, DC. Before beginning at HUC-JIR, she worked with many Jewish organizations throughout Israel and North America, including American University Hillel, Hillel International, the Adas Israel Community Mikvah, the Religious Action Center, the Ethiopian National Project, and the Interfaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington. Most recently, Jamie served as the Assistant Director at College of Charleston Hillel and as a religious school educator at Congregation Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim in Charleston, SC. Jamie can be found in her free time learning Jewish texts, watching television, taking walks, and listening to music. A few of Jamie’s favorite things include mint chocolate ice cream, musicals, pizza, iced vanilla lattes with oat milk, and her pet rabbit Zev.