Rabbi Saltzman served as Senior Rabbi at Ohabei Shalom, Brookline from 2011 to 2018 and as the rabbi of Sha’arei Shalom, Ashland, MA from 2008-2011. She was ordained at Hebrew College in 2008. Prior to becoming a rabbi, she worked in economic development, eleven years in the field of micro-finance at ACCION International and seven years at Bank of Boston. She chose to enter the rabbinate because “I believe in the wisdom and beauty of Judaism and hope to inspire others to deepen their relationship to Judaism by offering opportunities to engage in study, to experience the richness of prayer and to build a caring and committed community.” She grew up in Chile, in a home imbued with Jewish values, but at a time when opportunities for Jewish learning were especially limited for women. Rabbi Saltzman holds a Masters Degree from Columbia University in International Affairs as well as a Masters in Bible and Jewish Thought from Brandeis.